Letter to The Author (Supplies Only)



Letters to the Author,
Writers can change a person’s worldview. We take intangible things like words
and grammar to build entire worlds. When you meet the author and hear a
section of his or her book, one can feel like he or she knows them because one
becomes familiar with their characters or settings. This kind of devotion and
adoration needs somewhere to go. A letter to the author gives the reader the
opportunity to express this by letting the author know that you have read or
heard a section in, his or her book and give one an opportunity to share his or her
thoughts with them. Individuals can share what they liked or disliked about a
particular chapter/ or the book or what they did not like about a section or the
book, and even express feelings or comments that are more personal, like
something you may not want to share with others.

Send all Letters to:
Maria Mock
P.O. Box 686
Blacklick, Ohio 43004


The Author
What’s included:

  • Instructions
  • 5 Books (Signed)
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Letter to The Author (Supplies Only)
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